CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
In This Topic
    Standard Drawer Runners
    In This Topic

    Standard assumes the drawer box (including the sides) is entirely made of board material.

    Example of Standard drawer runner

    Standard = Box drawers with ball bearing runners or under-mount runners.

    The Form Editor command button for Drawer Runners can be accessed in the Catalog/Drawing properties on the Hardware > Drawers page. See Drawer Runners Tables Explained and how drawer runners are selected in the Cabinet Properties, below.

    The Standard runner tables can be found in <your CabMaster folder>\Table\DrawerRunners\

    Refer to discussion on Standard Columns for details on the relevant table.


    Standard Runners Properties

    The following discusses construction of the Standard drawer box using the Form Editor command button on the Hardware > Drawers page. If you have downloaded tables from StoreMaster, see setup instructions.

    To locate information about any part of the following image, click on the area of interest.

       Standard Drawer Runners Standard Drawer Runners Standard Drawer Runners Standard Drawer Runners Standard Drawer Runners Standard Drawer Runners Standard Drawer Runners Standard Drawer Runners Standard Drawer Runners

    Runner Selection Drop Lists

    Set (Table | Entry) drop list is available if Override Set is turned Off, as shown.

    Folder and Filter tools are available if Override Set is turned On, to aid in selection of available runners.

    See discussion on Runner Sets.

    If changes are made, use the Refresh button to ensure that the changes are applied to the current drawing. (When a new drawing is started, the default will automatically refresh to the latest).


    Override Set

    Override Set  -  Click to Expand

    Override Set  -  Click to Expand

    To override the default runner set tick the Override Set check box, as shown, allowing you to:-

    See discussion on using the Runner Editor.


    Min. Gap Between Runner & Cabinet Back

    Min. Gap  -  Click to Expand

    Min. Gap  -  Click to Expand

    This can be changed on the...

    The drawer 'Depth' by default is the interior depth of the cabinet minus 'Min. Gap Between Runner & Cabinet Back'.

    You can also specify additional Drawer Mechanism Gaps.

    Override Min. Gap at Cabinet Level

    It is possible to override the 'Minimum Gap' option in the Catalog/Drawing properties using the options available on the Cabinet, as per illustration below.

    The width of the drawer box is determined by the Gap column in the selected drawer table.

    This gap is applied to both sides of the drawer box - see Change Gaps Edit Table.
    Override Min.Gap at Cabinet Level  -  Click to Expand

    Override Min.Gap at Cabinet Level  -  Click to Expand


    Fronts/Backs Full Width

    Fronts and Backs Full Width  -  Click to Expand

    Fronts and Backs Full Width  -  Click to Expand

    The effect of the Fronts/Backs> options, checked and unchecked, are shown on following image.

    Include All Parts

    Include All Parts is not related to the Full Width option. It is used to specify whether all parts of the drawers are to be included in the export of the drawer to the machine or report.

    The shape of the parts using the machining are shown, so if you uncheck this option the drawers disappear.

    Floor 1 Drawer Cabinet preview show the effect of turn on/off option

    Floor 1 Drawer Cabinet preview show the effect of turn on/off option


    Box Height

    Box Height  -  Click to Expand

    Box Height  -  Click to Expand

    There are 3 ways to control the height of Standard Drawers (3rd way relevant to these options)...

    1. Height specified in the runner table.
    2. The maximum height available for the drawer taking any required gaps into account.
    3. After the maximum height available is calculated (see 2), it can be Rounded Down to Nearest multiple of the given value, then have an amount added using Plus.
      • The Min and Max are used in conjunction with the others.

    Example 1: Useful if you use ready made drawer boxes that are available in regular height increments e.g. 104mm, 114mm, 124mm, 134mm etc

    Example 2: Useful for when ready made boxes come in a predefined range e.g. smallest is 104mm and largest is 404mm.


    Bottom (Base) radio buttons

    Bottom  -  Click to Expand

    Bottom  -  Click to Expand

    Base Position (or Bottom) options Inside, Full Depth or Underneath defines the construction of the drawer box, with regard to the Bottom (Base). These are defined as...

    Example Front/Back

    This shows the difference between the 'Inside Front / Under Back' and 'Under Front / Inside Back' radio button options.

    In some cases two different construction methods are required within the same drawing (such as making pot drawers from whiteboard and also making timber drawers using Hettich Quadro* runners). 

    Settings in the drawer runner table override the default settings in the drawing properties. 

    Extra Notes: Dovetail

    Dovetail machining is only available on standard drawers.

    An optional column "Dovetail" can be added to any standard drawer runner table. It is assumed that...

    • the Ends (front and back) are both full width, with the sides between them
    • the Bottoms are fully inside (inside both Ends and Side)
    • the Bottoms are Rebated into both Ends and Sides
    • no parts are Edged

    Any columns in the table that try to construct the drawer in any other way will be ignored. However, the depth of the Rebate for the Bottom and its' Recess up into the drawer box can be set in the usual way.

    Rebate and Raise Bottom

    Rebate and Raise Bottom  -  Click to Expand 

    Rebate and Raise Bottom  -  Click to Expand 

    Rebate allows you to rebate Front/Back and between (inside) the Sides. 

    The only exception to this is on a Tall standard pantry on the Drawers2 page where there is an option for the Fronts/Backs to be made Full Width.

    Drawers2 page option - Click to Expand

    Drawers2 page option - Click to Expand

    Raise Bottom allows the bottom to be up inside the front, back and sides (i.e. not flush with the bottom).

    Raise Front/Back raises the front and back ends along with the base


    Sink Drawer Defaults

    Sink Drawer Defaults  -  Click to Expand

    Sink Drawer Defaults  -  Click to Expand

    The sizing of sink drawers can be set here in the Drawing Properties and overridden on the cabinet on the Sink Drawers page.


    Sink Drawers are applicable for all types of drawers, i.e. Standard, Metal and Premium have the table options and can be adjusted on each cabinet (options on Drawers page and Sink Drawers page) , even though the defaults values are only on the Standard Runners Properties page.

    Cabinet Properties

    Sink Drawers page

    Each applicable drawer cabinet has a Sink Drawer page  which allows editing of sink drawer properties, provided fixed values are not set in the drawer's definition table.

    A drawer is designated as a Sink drawer if the table column StdCat is set to 5 in the definition table reference.

    Image: Cabinet Details > Sink Drawers page

    The image of Sink Drawers page for a 5 drawer cabinet.

    A row will appear for each drawer, allowing each drawer to be edited separately.


    Explanation of options on the Sink Drawers page

    Sink Drawer

    Available - when drawer is a Standard drawer box but not set as a Sink drawer in its definition table.

    Greyed out and unchecked - if either the drawer is metal or metal premium that is not set as a sink drawer in its definition table

    Greyed out and checked - if the drawer is set as a sink drawer in its definition table (StdCat=5)

    Front Depth

    Blank - when not a sink drawer

    Editable - when a sink drawer with the Front Depth set as a negative value (flexible front depth) in the drawers' definition table.

    Not Editable - when set as a fixed value is fixed value is found in the drawers' definition table.

    Centre Width

    Blank - when not a sink drawer or the value for the side widths are in use (either from the table or 'Use Centre' being unchecked)

    Editable - when the definition table has the side widths set to zero (or less) and 'Use Centre' is checked.

    Use Centre Width Blank - when not a sink drawer or if the side widths are set (greater than zero) in the definition table.
    Left & Right Side Width

    Blank - when not a sink drawer or 'Use Centre' is checked.

    Editable - when 'Use Centre' unchecked or no fixed value in the drawers' definition table.

    Not Editable - when a fixed value is found in the drawers' definition table.

    Use U Shape

    Typically the cutout in the drawer for the sink plumbing is rectangular (as in the diagram above) and has three pieces of board to box it.

    However, it is possible to manufacture with a single flexible plastic insert to box it in, which requires a U shaped cutout.


    Drawer Materials

    Materials-Advanced category of the Catalog/Drawing properties allows you to select the drawer box material for each part of the drawer e.g. from the applicable page, as in this example, you can select the Board materials for the drawer box carcass on the Carcass page.

    Materials-Advanced category

    Materials-Advanced category

    These options are then reflected on the Materials-Advanced > Drawer Standard page, as shown below. On the Drawer Standard page a different material can be used for the drawer base when a drawer is marked as being an 'Alt Drawer Base' such in the requirement for a Potdrawer.

    Drawer Standard page allows for selection of Alternate Base

    Drawer Standard page allows for selection of Alternate Base


    See Also